Renee Keehn's Collection

Glass Figurines

Bashful Charlottes manufactured by Summit Art Glass Company. Summit purchased the mold from Cambridge Glass Company and produce a similar product, but with a ribbed base.

Mandolin Lady by Cambridge

Two Kids by Cambridge

Draped Lady by Cambridge

Two Kids by Cambridge (different bases)

Rose Lady by Cambridge (base types 1-scalloped and 2-round)

Porcelain figures of unknown manufacturer; flower frogs by Westmoreland


Left 6 by Northwood; middle 4 by Westmoreland; right 2 by Fenton; large turtle by L.G. Wright for Fenton

Figurines with Bowls

Andromeda flower frog and Queens bowl by Bagley

Jumping Fish flower frog and bowl by Rosice

Dancing Lady flower frog and splash bowl by Josef Inwald

Bear cub flower frog and bowl by Walther & Söhne

Bashful Charlotte flower frog and bowl by Summit

Unusual one-piece flower frog of unknown manufacturer